Free White Paper:

TECH ADVANCED GUARDINGThe Cutting Edge Difference


  • Access via smartphone anywhere anytime.
  • Smartphone location GPS tracking.
  • Daily up to the minute rosters sent with guard details.
  • Eliminate billing issues with our accurate billing. Exact match for guard details and hours.
  • GPS & CCN tracked patrol cars.


  • We guarantee on time arrival and delivery of security services for all rostered shifts provided 24 hours prior.
  • Does not apply to ad hoc shifts with ASAP starts.
  • If there are delays you will be informed prior to shift start.


  • We know our clients value time, money and service delivery.
  • Our superior recruitment matches individuals to the position requirements.
  • Ongoing industry leading professional development for superior service standards.

Austec Services Pty Ltd

Austec Hi-Tech Security is the trading name for Austec Services Pty Ltd and has been at the forefront of innovation and world’s best practices in the security Industry.

Austec Services has been at the forefront to provide superior service. In the security industry we are small, and not even a decade, but we focus on the service and solutions we provide to our clients.

Through the use of technology such as GPS tracked cars, smart phone apps, user friendly rostering system, roster generated billing, and online and live reporting, we aim to provide the best services in the market.

Our aim is to keep innovating ourselves so that we are able to deliver superior service to our clients.

Our hands on approach and quick response times also allow us to grow in our area of expertise.

Australian Owned

Technologically Advanced & Innovative To Provide Solutions & Meet Customer Needs

  • On Time Performance Guarantee
  • We Are Culturally Diverse & Building A Sustainable Workforce

Austec Services

Solutions by Industry

  • ABN : 43141765791                                           Licenses :                                                             Security :                                                                      NSW : ML 410636829                                          QLD :  FL 3378294                                              SA : AL ISL288554                                              ACT : 17502710                                                  VIC : BL 96861180S                                            WA : SA 60563                                           Traffic Management :                                                   QLD: RN 0312

  • Email

  • Phone Us:+1800 130 260